Sermon Archive

Mountaintop Cosmology
Text: Luke 9:28-45 Guest preacher Sarah Augustine reminds us that mountains are - and have always been - sacred spaces. Indigenous peoples understand this and in the story of transfiguration the disciples catch a glimpse of the sacred brilliance of the...

Already Forgiven
Text: Luke 7:36-50 In our new Voices Together hymnal, (801) you’ll find the hymn “I’m Gonna Eat at the Welcome Table,” which is very similar to a hymn that was in Sing the Journey - aka ‘the green book’ - previously. That’s the version that many of us are familiar...

The GOAT Has Questions
Text: Luke 7:18-36 It’s funny to me where sermon preparation and reflection on scripture will take me sometimes. This week, maybe because I’d just watched the Superbowl? This story had me thinking about the idea of being the GOAT. Does everyone know what I’m...

Compelled by Compassion
Text: Luke 7:1-17 I went into this story (these stories, actually; there are two) thinking it was about healing. And it is. Jesus does heal people in these stories. But spending time with them I realized that they are also stories about grief. The two figures...

The Best Fences Have Gates
Text: Luke 6:1-12 What's the difference between a lawyer and God? God doesn't think he’s a lawyer. The implication is, of course, that lawyers are too big for their britches; think they’re God, or at least gods. Lawyers have always been the butt of jokes like...

Go Deeper with Jesus
Our sermon today is by Michele WhiteEagle (pictured). Michele is the Region 4 Board Chair of Mennonite Disaster Service. Region 4 is comprised of 6 units and 235 congregations. This region covers 1,283,934 square miles and includes Alaska, Hawaii, Pacific Ocean...

Not In My Backyard
Text: Luke 4:14-30 It’s a little bit of an odd thing to work and worship in one city and live in another. It’s a disconnect that is all too common in urban and suburban contexts where in order to balance all the elements of finding a livable and affordable...

Baptism Has Consequences
Text: Luke 3:1-22 I haven’t been at Evergreen for a baptism. I’m looking forward to the day when that’s something that I get to participate in with you. So I don’t know how you’ve celebrated that or what kind of weight gets put on the practice of baptism in...

Tween-age Turning Point
Text: Luke 2:41-52 Sometimes when I do yoga, my yoga teacher will say “Okay, same, same but different,” when we’re about to do a similar cycle of poses but with some variations or movement changes. I thought of that when I was reflecting on the story of the boy...

Notice, Wonder, Connect: Anna and Simeon in the Temple
Text: Luke 2:25-40 Amy reflects on the teen parents Mary and Joseph encountering their elders in the temple. Like them, we too benefit from living in community across generations, sharing faith and seeing God's potential in each other. --