Sermon Archive

Dear Church, God Loves You!
Text: Acts 17:1-9; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Remember letters? I know there are at least a few folks here for whom letters were at one time an important way to stay connected with people, to do business, to share information, to make inquiries. But especially to stay...

We Give What We Can…What Can We Give?
Acts 3:1-10 This morning I’m going to tell you about Carmen. Carmen is the kind of person who has a level of empathy for people that is deeper than maybe anyone I’ve ever encountered. There are plenty of things that testify to this, but the one I want to tell you...

One Thing They Could Agree On
Scripture: Acts 1:1-14 For the next four weeks we’ll be hearing the stories of the first Christians. It’s so early in the church they don’t even call themselves Christian. They’re still Jewish, although that’s definitely going to change as we progress through the book...

The Inconceivable Surprise of Living
Scripture: Mark 16:1-8 I recently heard a quote from the Jewish scholar and theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel. It’s part of a longer essay, but this is the snippet that I heard. He wrote, “Prayer is our humble answer to the inconceivable surprise of living. It is all...

It’s Always the End of the World
Text: Mark 13:1-8, 24-37 🎵It’s the end of the world as we know it. 🎵It’s the end of the world as we know it. 🎵It’s the end of the world as we know. 🎵And I feel fine. This is the song that’s been in my head basically on repeat over the past week or so. I’m sure many of...

The Bible Boiled Down
Text: Mark 12:28-44 Let me tell you about one of the many hobbies my dad practices. My dad makes maple syrup. You might thing, of course, Canadians are synonymous with maple syrup, but let me tell you It’s not exactly a common practice in the prairies of Saskatchewan,...

Whose Image?
Text: Mark 12:1-17 Whose image? Whose inscription? Those are the words have been echoing in my heart and mind this week. Jesus asks “Whose image and inscription is this?” A Pharisee has taken one out of his pocket - or from his person somewhere. A he's given the coin...

What do you want me to do for you?
Mark 10:32-52 In today’s scripture we continue down the road with Jesus. Literally. We learn that Jesus and his companions are almost at Jerusalem. Mark's first listeners will have known that means that tension is building. Jesus is coming close the center of power....

Impossible Love
Mark 10:17-31 Welcome to the season of Lent, my friends. As our theme for these next six weeks we’re using “Look, Listen Feel: Experiencing the Way with Jesus.” When Worship Committee looked at the stories and passages from the gospel of Mark, we saw many instances...
Hometown Reject
Pastor Amy Epp, February 4, 2024 Today’s scripture from Mark is a success story. And it is a story of rejections. Two stories that, in a way, mirror each other. Or maybe more accurately parallel each other. Mark is known for story telling brevity - everything is...