Sermon Archive
What do you want me to do for you?
Mark 10:32-52 In today’s scripture we continue down the road with Jesus. Literally. We learn that Jesus and his companions are almost at Jerusalem. Mark's first listeners will have known that means that tension is building. Jesus is coming close the center of power....
Impossible Love
Mark 10:17-31 Welcome to the season of Lent, my friends. As our theme for these next six weeks we’re using “Look, Listen Feel: Experiencing the Way with Jesus.” When Worship Committee looked at the stories and passages from the gospel of Mark, we saw many instances...
Hometown Reject
Pastor Amy Epp, February 4, 2024 Today’s scripture from Mark is a success story. And it is a story of rejections. Two stories that, in a way, mirror each other. Or maybe more accurately parallel each other. Mark is known for story telling brevity - everything is...
Next Generations
Who inspired your faith development? Did you admire someone so much that you wanted to know what inspired them? Did someone share spiritual songs or stories with you or introduce you to inspiring art? Did someone read Bible stories with you? Did someone seem...
What is a peacemaker?
Kathryn Smith Derksen will share about their recent visit to South Africa, and talk about what it is to be a peacemaker. Our worship service will be Africa-themed, with African music from our Mennonite hymnals. What is a peacemaker? I believe it is easier to say “I’m...
Worship music on Veena
Bible Text: John 14:1-14 | Preacher: Andrew Buhr You are invited to a unique worship experience of musical meditation, featuring long-time friend and attender of EMC, Andrew Buhr. Andrew will share his musical gift of playing the Veena. You can visit the youtube...
Proclaiming through Hymns
Bible Text: Romans 8:35-39, Lamentations 3:22-33, Hebrews 10:14-23, Jeremiah 9: 23-24 Led by the Yoder family: Wes, Kate, Ellie and Matt Gathering Hymn - Come Let Us All Unite To Sing (#12) Welcome and Announcements Proclaiming God's Peace Lighting of Peace Candle It...
Dorcas: a glimpse into faithful presence
Bible Text: Acts 9:36-43 | Preacher: Dwight Friesen Dwight Friesen, EMC congregant and Professor at the Seattle University School of Theology and Psychology will be sharing his insights based on the passage of Acts 9:36-43.
Music in Worship
Bible Text: I Sam 16: 14-23, Colossians 3:15-16 | Preacher: Elizabeth Brown, Kathryn Smith Derksen Why do we sing? Because we love to, or do we simply tolerate singing because we love those who love it? And what does music actually have to do with our spirituality?...
God Inspired Joy
Bible Text: Mark 6: 18-26, 2 Samuel 6: 12-19 | Preacher: Karyn Fraizer Karyn Frazier, Student at the Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry, and Director of Christian Education for Fauntleroy Church, UCC, will be bringing our message. Karyn was the...