Called Amid Chaos

November 19, 2024
Text: Isaiah 6:1-13 [audio mp3=""][/audio]   Our text and story for today have inspired a lot of hymns, including the one we just sang. And many others. A few weeks…

Who Deserves Mercy?

November 13, 2024
Jonah 1:1-17; 3:1-10, 4:1-11 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Jonah is a familiar story. One where if we have heard it too many times we forget its main purpose. We know in the…
1 Kings 5:1-5; 8:27-30, 41-43 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Watch on YouTube here. There were three parts of this scripture that resonated in me as I prepared this week, and they are…
Text: 2 Samuel 7:1-17 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Watch on YouTube It was when I lived in Jordan as a teenager (see image above) that I was first introduced to communities who…

Idols for Our Anxiety

October 15, 2024
Text: Exodus 32:1-14 [audio mp3=""][/audio] I’m sure some of you saw the movie Inside Out - the original, not the new one that came out this past year; I haven’t…

Embodied Memory

October 8, 2024
Text: Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Watch on YouTube here. “Remember this day which is the day that you came out of Egypt, out of the place you were slaves,…
Text: Genesis 37:3-8, 17b-22, 26-34; 50:15-21 image: generated by [audio mp3=""][/audio] Watch a video of this sermon on YouTube. When I read the story of Morris Micklewhite and his…
Text: Mark 10:17-44 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Beginning with the story of Jesus and his disciples on road together, Adam Ramer shares his own journey. After growing up at Madison Mennonite Church,…

God Keeps Promises

September 16, 2024
Text: Genesis 15:1-6 [audio mp3=""][/audio] I am very well known in my family - or with my children, I guess, for never making promises. As any one who has spent…