Music in Worship

July 19, 2015
Bible Text: I Sam 16: 14-23, Colossians 3:15-16 | Preacher: Elizabeth Brown, Kathryn Smith Derksen Why do we sing? Because we love to, or do we simply tolerate singing because…

God Inspired Joy

July 12, 2015
Bible Text: Mark 6: 18-26, 2 Samuel 6: 12-19 | Preacher: Karyn Fraizer Karyn Frazier, Student at the Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry, and Director of Christian Education…
Bible Text: Psalm 51:17 | Preacher: Kate Rae Davis (Kate Rae Davis, MDiv. Kate is a writer and speaker and is currently in the ordination process with the Episcopal Church.…

Creation Care

June 21, 2015
Preacher: Jonathan Mark Good morning, my name is Jonathan Mark an alumni of MVS and regular attender of the SMC congregation. I come to you this morning to share the…

Calm Amidst the Storm

June 14, 2015
Preacher: Meg Lumsdaine In the myriad of complexity that typifies our life experience, we can feel ourselves lost in the storm. Even though Jesus’ disciples had been privileged to witness…

Promise and Blessing

May 17, 2015
Preacher: Meg Lumsdaine Within Reach: Creating a Community of Shalom Week Six: Promise and Blessing As Christians, our lineage begins through connection to a deeply-rooted story of promise. This Sunday,…
Preacher: Meg Lumsdaine Worship, May 10, 2015: Within Reach: Creating a Community of Shalom Week Five: Change & Transformation Our child has a birthday soon.  As every parent knows, crossing…