Church structure and ministries
Let us know how you might like to be involved!Church Structure
Leadership Council: David Cooper – Chair, Elizabeth Brown – Treasurer, Amy Hoing – Secretary, Annette Hein, Meg Lumsdaine – Pastor
Worship Committee: Charlotte Derksen, Annette Hein, Kathryn Smith Derksen, Wes Yoder, Meg Lumsdaine
Fellowship Committee: Jenny Dean, Donna Matthies, Amanda Stuckey, Pam Waltner, Mariam Neuhouser
Congregational Care Team: Julianne Stutzman Mai (Chair), Kathryn Smith Derksen, Alicia Williams, Tina Swan, and Meg Lumsdaine.
Youth Education Coordinator: Kate Yoder
Sunday School Teachers:
Preschool teachers: Donna Unruh and Rachel Walker
Primary teachers: Karina Derksen-Schrock and Suzanna Dunn
Intermediate (Middler) teachers: Amy Hoing and Dan Smith Derksen
High school teachers: David Cooper and Kate Yoder
Substitute: Amanda Stuckey
MVS Support Committee Reps: Tony and Jenny Dean, Kevin Neuhouser
Camp Camrec Board Member: Donna Matthies
MDS Representatives: Darryll and Linda Graber
North America Mennonite Relief Sale Board: Linda Graber
Everence Advocate: Stan Wyse