Celebrate Pride!

June 25, 2024
[audio mp3="https://evergreenmennonite.org/wp-content/uploads/sermons/2024/06/2024-06-23-Celebrate-Pride-KSD.mp3"][/audio] It’s wonderful to share with you and “Celebrate Pride” at Evergreen for what I think is the first time? I remember standing up at PNMC exactly a year…

What is a peacemaker?

September 6, 2015
Kathryn Smith Derksen will share about their recent visit to South Africa, and talk about what it is to be a peacemaker.  Our worship service will be Africa-themed, with African…

Music in Worship

July 19, 2015
Why do we sing? Because we love to, or do we simply tolerate singing because we love those who love it? And what does music actually have to do with…