June 7, 2015

Blessing of Teachers & Students and MVS Volunteers


Preacher: Meg Lumsdaine

“Neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”  (1 Corinthians 3:7)  Any person who has ever planted a garden knows that every garden is in need of a good planter and tender of the field.  Paul is not unaware of the practical care that is involved in producing a good harvest.  Yet he reminds his hearers that with God all things are possible, and indeed, it is God who will give growth as we trust in the divine will to provide what is needed for bearing fruit abundantly.  This week we contemplate spiritual growth as we celebrate a rewarding year for teachers and students in our Sunday School program.  We also honor members of this year’s MVS group who will be saying farewell in order to enter a new chapter of their faith journey.   As we share Christ’s body and blood together through Holy Communion, we affirm that indeed, we are workers in the collective community of Christ’s Kingdom, waiting with trustful expectancy for the new growth God will bring.

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